Saturday, February 11, 2006


My son, who is so precious to me, wrote me four little love notes last night. He wrote them on index cards. You know those plain white ones we used to write out our multiplication tables. Here is what each one said, word for word, mispelling included.
I love you mom because you are strong.
I love you mom because you have gaven (given) me strangth (strength).
I love you mom because you care for me.
and finally
I love you mom because you ceap ( keep) me saff (safe).
I'm having a rotten day. I do not feel good. My relationship is not at it's all time high. I missed work and I am battling with a real bitch of a spot of depression for which I take medications.
I'm thinking seriously of selling my beautiful home and getting a dump in town that I can afford no matter what. I really wanna just get in bed and go to sleep. I just keep looking at these little cards. I keep thinking how incredibly lucky I am and telling myself, "it's just a day, one lousy day!"
We've had some hard times here. My kids moarn daily over a father that comes and goes in their little lives, with no more than a fleeting concern for them. They have had to find out really yucky things about their dad. Things that have hurt their hearts and in turn, broken mine, for their heartache. They have watched me literally crumble into small, fragile and unstable pieces following the end of a relationship I thought would last forever. They have been so strong.
I tell them all the time. No Matter What guys, we can make it. As long as we have each other and our faith in God, we will survive and we will live well. We pray together every night. I tell them that the bond between us is the strongest bond on earth, but it is still not as strong as the love Jesus has for us. That as long as we HOLD TOUGH, this world can dish out it's impropriety, it's hatred, it's bigotry and betrayal and we will get through it all. Yet today I feel so tired.
And in this darkness there is a light, there is a little boy who thinks I'm strong. I feel SO NOTTTTTTT STRONG TODAY! lol. This is what is meant by family. Through lean days, bright days, hard days, fun days we are there for each other. We recognize each others frailties and try to compensate. We push each other too far sometimes and wanna just cream each other but when one is hurt, we circle our wagons. God help anyone that tries to get past our defenses (our love). You have no chance against us because we are FAMILY.


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